Dal 13 al 15 aprile 2021, la Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn ospiterà l’incontro dei Dottorandi in Ecologia e Scienze dei Sistemi Acquatici organizzato su base annuale dall’Associazione Italiana di Oceanografia e Limnologia (AIOL) e dalla Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE). L’evento si svolgerà in modalità remota.
La lingua ufficiale dell’evento è quella italiana, ma sarà ammesso l’uso della lingua inglese. Le presentazioni verteranno su temi di Ecologia teorica e sperimentale, in ecosistemi terrestri, marini o di acqua dolce, nonché su temi di Oceanografia e Limnologia. L’evento si terrà sulla piattaforma web Zoom (garantendo l’accesso a un massimo di 100 utenti) ed è necessario iscriversi per ciascuna giornata ai seguenti link:
Comitato Organizzatore: Elvira Buonocore1, Gabriele Del Gaizo2, Domenico D’Alelio2, Erika Fabbrizzi2,3, Pier Paolo Franzese1, Simonetta Fraschetti2,4, Maria Cristina Mangano2, Olga Mangoni2,3, Jessica Pazzaglia2,5, Luca Russo2,6, Anna Chiara Trano2.
1Università di Napoli Parthenope; 2Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn; 3Università di Napoli Federico II; 4C.d.A. Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn; 5Università degli studi di Trieste, 6Università di Roma Tor Vergata.
Per informazioni: domenico.dalelio@szn.it ; gabriele.delgaizo@szn.it
La versione in PDF del programma è scaricabile al link: Programma_Incontro_giovani_-AIOL_SItE
9:00-9:45. Apertura del meeting e saluti istituzionali
9:45-11:00. Simposio How to write a scientific paper, Prof. Roberto Danovaro, Presidente della Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
11:00-11:15. Pausa caffè
11:15-13:00. Sessione Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (Parte I)
11:15-11:30. Mugnai, Francesco. Assessing marine benthic biodiversity in the Central Mediterranean Sea: an integrative taxonomy approach
11:30-11:45. Somma, Emanuele. Microalgal associations on seagrass meadows: effects of global changes on the first colonization and plant-animal chemical relationships
11:45-12:00. Montilla, Luis. A network of invertebrate-microbe associations from seagrass beds
12:00-12:15. Pasquini, Viviana. The ecological role of the sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa on the nutrient cycling
12:15-12:30. Pinna, Federico. Vertical variation of coralligenous cliff assemblages in marine biogeographic areas
12:30-12:45. Lenzo, Denise. Ecological implication and possible application of allelopathic compounds produced by marine organisms
12:45-12:50.Cipriano, Giuli. Size structure of population of Pinna nobilis in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto
12:50-12:55. Pinna, Federico. Coralligenous reef assemblages’ biodiversity: identification of crustose coralline algal species in different Sardinia biogeographic areas
12:55-13:00. Gregorietti, Martina. Species distribution model and risk assessment to support cetacean conservation measures in the central Mediterranean Sea
13:00-14:00. Pausa pranzo
14:00-16:00. Sessione Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (Parte II)
14:00-14:15. Trano, Anna Chiara. Bacteria and phytoplankton in the sea: co-occurrence and possible interactions
14:15-14:30. Del Gaizo, Gabriele. The “mixoplankton” of Campania coasts: A survey through their biodiversity and role played in the ecosystem functioning
14:30-14:45. Romero-Martinez, Maria Lorena. Marine cladocerans and their biological role in linking benthic and pelagic habitats: Species seasonality and resting egg production
14:45-15:00. Russo, Luca. Are metabarcoding data useful to reconstruct food webs in pelagic systems?
15:00-15:15. Motta, Gregorio. Parasites dynamics in Adriatic scyphomedusae: the case of Rhizostoma pulmo (Macri, 1778) from the Gulf of Trieste
15:15-15:30. Maiello, Giulia. All is fish that comes to the net: metabarcoding for rapid fisheries catch assessment
15:30-15:45. Ingrosso, Maurizio. Assessment of odontocetes-fishery competition in the Gulf of Taranto (Northern Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean)
15:45-16:00. Tamburini, Marco. Monitoring non-indigenous species in port habitats: the application of the Smithsonian protocol in Italy
16:00-16:15. Pausa caffè
16:15-17:05. Sessione Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (Parte III)
16:15-16:30. Berlino, Manuel. Effects of microplastics on the functional traits of aquatic organisms: a meta-analysis
16:30-16:45. Galli, Matteo. Development of an innovative marine litter monitoring methodology in Mediterranean marine protected areas within the Plastic Busters MPAs project
16:45-17:00. Menicagli, Virginia. Plastic litter and increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition affect the vegetative recruitment of coastal dune plants
17:00-17:05. Pedicini, Ludovica. Nature-based solutions for the conservation of marine biodiversity in future climate change scenarios
17:05-17:30. Discussione generale
8:30-9:45. Simposio Successful grant proposal writing, Dr. Wiebe H.C.F. Kooistra, ricercatore della Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
9:45-10:00. Pausa caffè
10:00-11:20. Sessione Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (Parte IV)
10:00-10:15. Gruppuso, Laura. Leaf litter decomposition process along the Po river: a multilevel approach to investigate the effects of global climate change
10:15-10:30. Bonacina, Luca. Thermal regime of Alpine streams: controls and ecological effects on the biological community in natural and regulated streams
10:30-10:45. Vallefuoco, Francesca. Tools to assess flow-ecology relationship in rivers: multiple stressors impacts on function and diversity of a river network
10:45-11:00. Ennas, Claudia. Effects of episodic anomalously intense rainfall events on river and lagoon sedimentary organic matter quantity, composition and degradation rates
11:00-11:15. Dalla Vecchia, Alice. Local plasticity of Nuphar lutea in an eutrophic shallow lake
11:15-11:20. Lucchese, Marta. The role of ecosystem engineer density in driving ecosystem functioning: a bivalve case study across intertidal rocky shores
11:20-11:40. Pausa caffè
11:40-12:40. Sessione Transitional and coastal waters ecology
11:40-11:55. Fabbrizzi, Erika. Spatial prioritization for fucalean brown algae forests restoration in the Mediterranean Sea
11:55-12:10. Magri, Monia. The effects of hydrological extremes on denitrification, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and mineralization in a coastal lagoon
12:10-12:25. Anelli Monti, Marco. Applications of ‘new’ technological solutions for analyzing nektonic communities in the deepest areas of the Venice lagoon
12:25-12:40. Podda, Cinzia. Mechanisms driving juvenile eels’ recruitment in a small estuary of the Tyrrhenian Sea
12:40-14:00. Pausa pranzo
14:00-16:35. Sessione Ecotoxicology
14:00-14:15. Rotolo, Flavio. Physiological effects of nickel in two congeneric copepod species
14:15-14:30. Murano, Carola. Unravelling the effects of microplastic-associate biofilm in the uptake and immunological response in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus
14:30-14:45. Esposito, Maria Consiglia. Ecosafety di nanomateriali per la remediation dell’ambiente marino: validazione e sviluppo di saggi ecotossicologici con il riccio di mare
14:45-15:00. Eliso, Maria Concetta. The ascidian Ciona robusta as a model to study the impact of nanoplastics in Mediterranean coastal areas
15:00-15:15. Albarano, Luisa. Acute toxicity of phenanthrene and naphthalene on nauplii and adults of Artemia franciscana
15:15-15:30. Pausa caffè
15:30-15:45. Bellasi, Arianna. Microplastics in lacustrine sediments: the case of Como lake
15:45-16:00. Di Noi, Agata. Review sugli effetti sub-letali dei contaminanti ambientali nelle api da miele (Apis mellifera), gap conoscitivi e prospettive future
16:00-16:15. Giovannetti, Laura. Valutazione dello stato di salute ecotossicologico delle specie aviare Falco tinnunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) e Parus major (Linnaeus, 1758) mediante un approccio multi-biomarker
16:15-16:20. Pankaj Avinash, Gorule. Microplastic contamination in two benthic decapod crustaceans from Sardinian seas
16:20-16:25.Concato, Margherita. The fate of synthetic and natural microfibers in the marine environment and biota: differences and affinity with the microplastics
16:25-16:30. Mondellini, Simona. LimnoPlast ITN: Biological effects of microplastics from biodegradable plastics in freshwater invertebrates
16:30-16:35.Dessì, Claudia. Preliminary data on European eel skin mucus as trapper of microplastics in riverine ecosystems
16:35-16:50. Pausa caffè
16:50-17:25. Sessione Microbiology
16:50-17:05. Donnarumma, Vincenzo. Variability of microplastic abundances and their attached microbial communities in an urbanized coastal area
17:05-17:20. Santin, Anna. Identification and evolutionary analysis of the Low-Affinity Nitrate Transporters family NPFs in diatoms, diNPFs
17:20-17:25. Addesso, Rosangela. Shedding light on vermiculations: a key step towards their conservation
17:25-17:50. Discussione generale
8:30-9:45. Simposio Communicating science as a scientist, Dr. Emanuela Dattolo, ricercatrice della Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
9:45-10:00. Pausa caffè
10:00-11:00. Seminario Le donne nella scienza, Prof. Adriana Albini, Direttore Laboratorio di Biologia Vascolare ed Angiogenesi-IRCCS Multimedica (Milano)
11:00-11:15. Coffee break
11:15-12:15. Sessione Ecosystems: Resistance and resilience
11:15-11:30. Pansini, Arianna. Natural gradients and seagrass response to warming: the need of finding reliable indicators for the seagrass Posidonia oceanica vulnerability
11:30-11:45. Pazzaglia, Jessica. Integrative responses of Posidonia oceanica to multiple stressors: a new prospective for future global changes
11:45-12:00. Stipcich, Patrizia. Phenological changes of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica to actual vs. future marine heat waves
12:00-12:05. Vencato, Sara. Microplastic ingestion and adhesion patterns in Coelogorgia palmosa (Anthozoa; Alcyonacea)
12:05-12:10. Ghirardi, Nicola. Assessment of pit lakes in the Po river basin: changes in water quality from satellite images and limnological data
12:10-12:15. Terzo, Stella. A socio-ecological approach to depict resilience of accidentally caught benthic species under chronic trawling disturbance
12:15-12:45. Sessione Ecosystem services
12:15-12:30. Muresan, Alexandra N. Urban parks regulating services assessment in three cities of Northern Italy
12:30-12:45. Stocco, Alice. Imitating the lagoon: Ecosystem Services and the Valli da Pesca
12:45-13:00. Sessione Open session
12:45-12:50. Di Bona, Gabriele. Traits under pressure: an integrated approach to evaluate the effects of fishing activities on fish vulnerability
12:50-12:55. Cavallini, Edoardo. Nutrient loads and eutrophication risk in water bodies of the Po river watershed
12:55-13:00. Corbari, Laura. Microplastics indoor spectroradiometric characterization of commonly polymers polluting the Mediterranean Sea
13:00-14:30. Pausa pranzo
14:30-16:00. Discussione su numero speciale di AIOL Journal dedicato a questo Incontro*
16:00-16:30. Chiusura dei lavori
*Di concerto con il Consiglio di Presidenza di AIOL e degli editor in chief della rivista Advances in Oceanology and Limnology (https://www.pagepressjournals.org/index.php/aiol; AIOL Journal), nel corso del 2021 verrà programmata una special issue della rivista interamente dedicata a contributi dei partecipanti al meeting. Il comitato editoriale dello special issue sarà costituito da giovani selezionati nel corso del meeting, sotto la guida di Domenico D’Alelio. Chi tra i partecipanti volesse candidarsi a questa posizione, è invitato a segnalare la propria candidatura a domenico.dalelio@szn.it, corredata di un CV breve (1 pagina) entro e non oltre il 12 aprile 2021.