
Beltrami M., Arpaia A., Rogora M., Giacomotti P., Orrù A., Tartari G. – Updating the successful recovery of the polluted Lake Orta: the last three years of limnological studies [P001]

Bensi M., Langone L., Kovacevic V., Ursella L., Rebesco M., De Vittor C., Aliani S., Miserocchi S., Relitti F., Bazzaro M., Deponte D., Laterza R., Mansutti P., Lucchi R.G., Wåhlin A., Soltwedel T., Goszczko I., Skogseth R., Falck E., Nilsen F. – Dense water plumes SW off Spitsbergen Archipelago (Arctic) in 2014-2017 [P002]

Bianchelli S., Buschi E., Danovaro R., Pusceddu A. – Biodiversity loss in alternative states impairs ecosystem functioning and efficiency in the Cystoseira sp. meadows of the Mediterranean Sea [P003]

Boscaini A., Capelli C., Cerasino L., Salmaso N.- Molecular tools for the quantitative evaluation of Tychonema bourrellyi (Cyanobacteria) in large lakes [P004]

Brambilla W., Conforti A., Carrara P.,  Lanucara S., Guerzoni S., De Falco G. – Preserving and sharing data of deposits sand along the Western Sardinian Shelf. [P005]

Brambilla W., Coppa S., Farina S., Guerzoni S., Massaro G., Brundu R., De Falco G., Carrara P., Lanucara S., De Lucia A. – Preserving and sharing geospatial data to enhance the sustainable management of biological resources in the Sinis MPA [P006]

Cappello S., Pettineo A., Anello F., Caruso G. , Genovese M., Mancini G. – Biodegradation of pharmaceutical micro-pollutants (ibuprofen) in the marine environment: a microcosm experiment [P007]

Caruso G., Gallardo Carreño I., Azzaro M., Papale M., Conte A., Graziano M., Lo Giudice A., Parro V. – Microbial assemblage in the Pasvik river (Arctic Norway): physiological characterization by Life Detector Chip (LDC) antibody microarray during two seasonal surveys [P008]

Caruso G., Madonia A., Bonamano S., Miserocchi S., Giglio F., Maimone G., Azzaro F., Decembrini F., La Ferla R., Piermattei V., Piazzolla D., Marcelli M., Azzaro M.- Environmental and biological characteristics along a transect in Kongsfjorden (Svalbard Islands) [P009]

Chessa G., Culurgioni J., Manca S., Diciotti R., Fois N. – Variability in the silver eel (Anguilla anguilla Linnaeus, 1758) population from two Sardinian lagoons [P010]

Da Ros Z., Dell’Anno A., Corinaldesi C., Lo Martire M., Cerrano C., Danovaro R. – Recovery of the red coral Corallium rubrum following simulated sediment resuspension events [P011]

Diciotti R., Culurgioni J., Satta C.T., Pulina S., Caddeo T., Luglio A., Sechi N., Chessa G., Fois N. – Seasonal dynamic and distribution of the invasive species Mnemiopsis leidyi Agassiz (Ctenophora, Bolinopsidae) in three lagoons of the Gulf of Oristano (western Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea) [P012]

Giordano P., De Marco R., Dinelli E., Gambi A., Graziani G., Langone L., Spagnoli F., Vasumini I. – Benthic fluxes and early diagenetic processes in sediments of a drinking water reservoir (Ridracoli Dam, Forlì Italy) [P013]

Grilli F., Guicciardi S., Paschini E., Penna P., Marini M. – Analysis of sea temperature in the Adriatic Sea: a century of data from 1913 to 2013. [P014]

Lai G. G., Padedda B.M., Cantonati M., Ector L., Wetzel C.E., Sechi N., Lugliè A. – Diatom communities of the Casteldoria thermo-mineral spring (Northern Sardinia, Italy): first results [P015]

Mariani M.A., Lai G.G., Padedda B.M.,Sechi N., Virdis T., Lugliè A. – B-N-methylamino-L-alanine and microcystins concentrations in relation to Cyanobacteria abundance in eutrophic Mediterranean artificial lake: the case study of Lake Bidighinzu (Sardinia, Italy) [P016]

Mariani M.A., Padedda B.M., Sechi N., Lugliè A. – Ecology of biotic communities of thermal springs: early studies on Cyanobacteria in Sardinia (Italy)  [P017]

Moccia D., Cau Al., Carmela M.M., Pusceddu A. – Small-scale distribution of meiofauna and biopolymeric C in subtidal sandy sediments (Mediterranean Sea) [P018]

Olita A., Cucco A., Fazioli L., Quattrocchi G., Ribotti A., Simeone S., Tedesco C., Sorgente R. – Forecasting the fate of possible oil dispersions from oil platforms and assessing the related hazard and environmental risk: the “SOS-Piattaforme” project [P019]

Padedda B.M., Sarria M., Lugliè A., Sechi N., Virdis S.G.P. – A straightforward approach to assess the impact and linkage between land uses and trophic status of inland water ecosystems in Sardinia, Western Mediterranean [P020]

Paradis S., Pusceddu A., Masqué P., Puig P., Moccia D., Cau A., Russo T., Lo Iacono C., and the ISLAND Cruise Team – Potential impact of bottom trawling activities on sedimentary organic matter in the Gulf of Castellammare (Sicily)  [P021]

Piredda R., Zingone A., Bongiorni L. – Temporal pattern of planktonic fungi in the LTER MareChiara station [P022]

Quero G.M., Santos F., Ricchi A., Falcieri F.M., Carniel S., Luna G.M. – River flood impact on diversity and functioning of benthic prokaryotes in the Po river prodelta (Italy): ecological significance and climate change-related considerations [P023]

Relitti F., Giani M., Ogrinc N., Cerino F., De Vittor C., Krajnc B., Del Negro P. – Monitoring CO2 leakage at Carbon Capture and Storage sites using stable carbon isotopes in phytoplankton [P024]

Specchiulli A., Cilenti L., D’€™Adamo R., Fabbrocini A., Guo W., Huang L., Lugliè A., Padedda B.M., Scirocco T., Magni P. – Valutazione delle correlazioni tra DOC e CDOM in lagune Mediterranee con differente pressione antropica [P025]